Anquan Boldin talked after practice today about his situation. There was nothing out of the ordinary, assuming ordinary is the status quo of him being upset. He started with an "It is what it is" when asked about not being traded. It went from there.
At one point, Boldin was asked "You don't necessarily believe (the Cardinals) listened in earnest to trade offers?" Boldin quickly replied to a small group of reporters, "You believe it?" When there was a pause of silence, Boldin added with a chuckle, "All right then. Enough said." Boldin also said, when asked if his preference was to be traded, "I told you my mind hasn't changed." Can he still be traded even though the draft was over? "I never give up hope." And perhaps the most ominous comment, when asked if he would report to training camp if nothing happens contractually between now and then, Boldin simply said "We will see what happens. It's too early to say what I will or won't do."
Boldin wasn't seething when he said all this; in fact, he laughed a few times during his answers (although, having dealt with Q so much over the years, his laugh is often his mechanism of dealing with touchy subjects). Certainly, given his answers, it's clear the trade talk and the lack of offers changed Boldin's perception, especially since he doesn't think the Cards tried hard enough to make a trade. He won't practice in minicamp and he isn't going to show up at any other voluntary stuff, so after Sunday, we'll see if he comes to Flagstaff.