Bruce Arians has never been shy about his feelings about fighting in training camp -- nobody better do it. So as the pads come on for camp and the level of intensity rises, inevitably, it's something Arians will watch out for. Talking about hitting with the pads on, Arians said "Just don't take anyone to the ground if you want to stick around."
(He's a poet and he didn't know it.)
And if someone does?
"Throw them off the field," Arians said. "If it's the wrong guys, I'll cut 'em." Well-timed pause. "Rank has privilege.
"I don't think any of our ranked guys are gonna fight."
Arians does make sure his message gets across. "They know that has no place in football. It's not in the rule book, you fight and you're ejected, so why practice things that aren't in the rule book?"
-- With the heavy rain across the Valley -- and the University of Phoenix Stadium field sitting outside the building as usual this morning as it came down -- Arians acknowledged he was a little concerned with the field. But it's being rolled in as I write this and it looks OK. Doesn't really matter anyway. Arians said there wasn't a circumstance where he'd change practice because of a wet field. "We are going to play on that field anyway," he said. "We better learn how to play on it quick."
-- QB Drew Stanton and WR Jaron Brown will not practice today in a scheduled day off.