The news broke Monday afternoon, via Sports Illustrated, that the NFL and Oakley will begin a partnership that will allow players to wear tinted visors during games. Which will have to make Kyler Murray happy.
The Cardinals' rookie quarterback, of course, wore tinted visors all through college practices. Then he began wearing them in Cardinals' practices. He does it in large part, admittedly, to look cool -- "It's just a swag thing," he said back in May.
Tinted visors in games have been basically banned in the NFL since 1998. The rule is that any visor has to be clear, unless you get an exception from the league (which Murray did not have.) All that changes now. Kind of. The visor Oakley will provide is "lightly tinted." As SI describes it, "the visor, which the league has been quietly rolling out since the Pro Bowl, has a pinkish hue that sharp eyes would have already noticed this preseason."
Murray has been wearing a tinted visor in pregame warmups and then changing to a clear visor for the games. It'll be interesting to see if he indeed uses the new look. He actually said this summer, given all the other players who also used the tinted visor in practices, that he didn't mind the ban because other guys could pull off the look perhaps even better than he. Nevertheless, if there is more swag to be had, Murray figures to embrace the change.
UPDATE: Not to kill the excitement, but it turns out Murray has already been wearing the "new" visor in game. When they said "sharp eyes" were needed to notice it, they weren't wrong. If you see it from certain angles, it just looks clear, but up close, you can definitely see the pinkish hue. It definitely isn't close to the pregame visor Murray wears, as you can see from the accompanying photo.