The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) announced that Cardinals Charities received more than $1 million from the sale of the team's specialty license plates in 2015.
Of the 60 specialty plates issued in the state last year, the Cardinals plate led the way in charitable proceeds with $1,087,677. That was followed by the Veterans ($1,051,093) and Freedom plates ($521,424), both of which benefit the state veteran's donation fund. In all, 63,981 Arizona Cardinals plates were issued in calendar year 2015, according to ADOT.
"Seeing so many vehicles on the road displaying their Cardinals plates is fantastic and the display of support is incredibly gratifying," Cardinals president Michael Bidwill said. "But even more meaningful is knowing the type of impact that the project is having on Cardinals Charities and, in turn, so many worthy causes throughout the state. We appreciate the opportunity that ADOT has provided and are especially grateful to all of those fans who have stepped up to participate."
Founded in 1990, the mission of Cardinals Charities is to support programs designed to improve the quality of life and enhance opportunities for children, women, and minorities in Arizona.
Drivers who opt for the specialty plates pay $25 a year with $17 going to a designated charity or non-profit group. There were a total of 389,536 specialty plates on Arizona vehicles in 2015 and the program raised more than $6.5 million for charitable and non-profit entities throughout the state. A black plate featuring a Cardinals birdhead logo, the Cardinals specialty plate was introduced in January of 2010.
Specialty license plates can be purchased online at