A small group of reporters had a good interview session with Edgerrin James today after practice, the last one open to the media this week before Saturday's playoff game. I'll post a bigger story on the home page later, but of course, the subject of his future came up. When Edge was asked if this was his last year in Arizona, he just delivered one of his knowing grins -- and delivered a very, matter-of-fact, no ill-will type of response:
"I think so," James said. "I'm not worried about that. I think so. I think the feeling is mutual." Edge chuckled when he said that last part, and then he added with a big laugh, "It's not something I'm going to contest."
That said, Edge sounded amped up about the playoffs and playing a part. He wants to go to a Super Bowl and he wants to do it this year. The marriage between him and the team hasn't been always harmonious this season, but he made it clear that doesn't matter at all right now.