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Latino Heritage Month Community Spotlights 2024

In celebration of Latino Heritage Month, the Arizona Cardinals are highlighting local Latino community members and influential voices across the Valley.

Laura Couret

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Current Profession(s): Principal at Joseph Zito Elementary

Please describe your role(s) in your profession(s): As a principal in a Title 1 school, my focus goes beyond the traditional duties of managing a building and staff. I take pride in supporting the needs of our teachers, students, and families while maintaining high expectations and motivating everyone. The pressures we face in education today are immense, but I believe that the way we work together, can elevate us and allow us to serve our diverse community.

Please describe your pathway to your current profession(s): Growing up in a rural migrant community as the daughter of immigrant parents, I was fortunate to have many loving teachers who made me feel capable. Their encouragement inspired me to develop my leadership skills, leading me to where I am today, serving students and families in similar circumstances that I was raised in. My mother has been my exemplar of servant leadership.

What is your education / training background? My journey started in the Gadsden District, where I began working as a paraprofessional. Over time, I served as a paraprofessional, librarian, English as a Second Language teacher, and eventually was invited to take on administrative roles across multiple schools. Now, I proudly serve as a principal in an urban, high-needs area of Phoenix.

Advice you'd give to your younger self: I would tell my younger self to avoid acting out of selfish ambition. Instead, focus on valuing others above personal interests, give generously, and stay grounded in humility.

Who has influenced you? My parents, with their limited formal education, deeply influenced my belief system. Throughout my career, I've been fortunate to have wise mentors. But in my personal life, I find my greatest inspiration in Jesus Christ, whose example I strive to follow daily.

Tell us about anything you are passionate about outside of your profession(s): I dedicate one weekend a month to serving in medical missions through Christ's Church of the Valley. As a translator for medical professionals serving those in need in Rocky Point, Mexico, this work grounds me and reminds me of the blessings in my own life.

Please feel free to tell us anything else that you'd like to share: I humbly accept this spotlight, but I must credit the success of my leadership to the dedicated staff at our school. They are the true heroes, working in the classrooms to ensure that our students achieve at high levels under the highest pressures our profession has ever experienced.
