In case you missed it, a project I have been working on since the end of the season came to fruition today with the posting of an oral history of Larry Fitzgerald's huge 2008 playoff run. (Easy to find at, so tell a friend). It was great to talk to a few guys that I hadn't in a number of years, guys who I worked with a lot back when they were around. Steve Breaston, Jerheme Urban, Todd Haley, among others. It didn't hurt that there are still some in the building that could help, like Freddie Kitchens, Adrian Wilson and Larry Foote.
(And I'd be remiss without pointing out that Sandy McAfee here in the cubicle next to me did a fantastic job taking my words and turning it into a aesthetically beautiful read.)
Mostly though, it was a chance to look back at those games. I'm fortunate enough to have that playoff run on DVD so I could go back for research and simply enjoy re-watching those games. (I'll admit, I'm a sucker for watching old games. I wish NFL Network would do more from when I was first getting into the game, the late '70s and early '80s.) Anyone can understand that Fitzgerald had great stats from that postseason. But his impact looks greater than that when you are watching them in context.
"There were a lot of games where he had a lot of catches (that season)," quarterback Kurt Warner said. "It was the nature of the catches where he really solidified how great he was, how great that run was. His numbers would have been great stacked up against anyone regardless but I think you think back to just the big play after big play after big play."
Hope you get a chance to read it.