Arizona Cardinals Photos
Derrick Coleman Visits Phoenix Day School For The Deaf
The Cardinals' fullback, the first legally deaf offensive player in the NFL, delivered his inspirational story to 250 deaf and hard-of-hearing students.

A fist bump between Derrick Coleman and a student.

Derrick Coleman speaks alongside an interpreter.

A student tells Derrick Coleman -- in sign language -- that he dances well.

Derrick Coleman gets ready to talk to the students.

The students pay close attention to the message.

A drawing of Derrick Coleman, a copy of his book jacket photo, hangs on the wall.

Derrick Coleman speaks with the help of an interpreter.

The first children show up -- wearing bird heads.

Coleman and the students sign "love" for a post-speech picture.

Derrick Coleman talking to the kids.

Derrick Coleman signs the schools' Cardinals helmet.

Derrick Coleman high-fives some students.

Derrick Coleman in the middle of his fans.

The students greet Derrick Coleman.

Derrick Coleman signs the poster of his face.

Derrick Coleman autographs a copy of his book.