Arizona Cardinals Photos
Fitzgerald Through The Years
Various images of Pro Bowl receiver Larry Fitzgerald, from his younger days to his Cardinals days

With Mom and Dad at a Holy Angels high school game in Minnesota

As a Vikings ballboy

Fitz circa 2004

Fitz jumps off a building, bungee-style, in New Zealand

A post-lockout Sports Illustrated cover

Fabulous one-handed preseason catch in Oakland

Digging to help the poor get water in Africa on an Oxfam trip

Fitz hanging out in Dubai

Saying hi from the boat during a USO tour

A hug from Kurt Warner after winning the NFC Championship

During a year of prep school at Valley Forge Military

Talking to the media after the NFC Championship

The sign out front of Fitzgerald's high school in Minnesota

After practice with his son

Driving his boat around the lake behind his Minnesota house

Finishing Pat's Run (alongside Cards VP of Media Relations Mark Dalton, bottom left)

SI for Kids cover reminding everyone about Fitz's quest in the fight against breast cancer

With little brother Marcus once upon a time

Addressing the fans at the airport rally after the Super Bowl

On the set of ESPN's SportsCenter

A leap for joy

At the pyramids in Egypt

In his "This is SportsCenter" commercial

With Drew Brees and Eli Manning at the Pro Bowl

A great catch at training camp

Sand surfing in the Arab desert

With Jared Allen during a USO tour to visit the troops

With his son the day before the Super Bowl

The Sports Illustrated cover after the first playoff win in 2008

With Kurt Warner and future NFL first-round pick Prince Amakamura when Amakamura played at Glendale Apollo High School

With Adrian Peterson at the Pro Bowl

Helping in Africa on an Oxfam trip

Waiting for another chance to play